
      中科院宁波材料所陈涛研究员、暨南大学麦文杰教授和中科院北京纳米能源与系统研究所的潘曹峰研究员课题组,发表了这篇综述。探讨了过去的几十年中,由人类皮肤激发的软电子设备引起了广泛的研究关注,因为它在健康监测和诊断、机器人和假肢方面有着广阔的潜在应用前景。柔软可穿戴压阻压力传感器以其简单的机理、紧凑的结构、低廉的成本、功耗以及信号采集简单和转换效率高等优点,成为开发先进电子皮肤最有吸引力的候选之一。 这篇综述中,将探讨压阻压力传感器领域的最新进展和成就,重点介绍压阻压力传感器的基本原理和与器件相关的材料,包括活性材料、衬底材料和电极材料。 随后的讨论中展示了未来的挑战和展望。讨论了传感器件在实际应用中的灵敏度和工作范围优化的几个关键课题。 最后,从滑动和力矢量传感器、多功能和高分辨率传感器系统的发展技术和信号处理技术等方面进行了展望,以突出压阻压力传感器研究领域近期的发展趋势,相关研究成果发表Journal of Materiomics第6卷第1期题目为Recent advances of wearable and flexible piezoresistivity pressure sensor devices and its future prospects. 您可以点击文末“阅读全文”免费下载!


Jiang He,Yufei Zhang,Runhui Zhou,Lirong Meng,Tao Chen,Wenjie Mai, Caofeng Pan, Recent advance o fwearable and flexible piezoresistivity pressure sensor devices and its future prospects, Journal of Materiomics 2020; 3 (1): 86-101.








Fig. 1. The schematic images of the transduction structure of different resistance pressure sensors: (a) bulk piezoresistivity sensor. (b), (c) and (d) are contact resistance type of sensors.

Fig. 1不同电阻压力传感器传导结构的示意图:(a)体型压阻传感器。(b)、(c)和(d)是接触电阻型的传感器。


Fig. 3. (a) Various geometrical structure for high-performance pressure sensor design. Images reproduced with permission: hemisphere, Copyright 2015, AAAS; pyramid, Copyright, 2014, Wiley-VCH; nanowire, Copyright, 2015, ACS; hierarchically, Copyright, 2016, Wiley-VCH; and epidermis inspired microstructure, (b) Copyright, 2018, ACS; (c) The simulation results of resistance variation versus applied pressure for the above geometries. The results demonstrate the epidermis inspired microstructure perform the highest sensitivity.

Fig. 3 各种几何结构的高性能压力传感器设计。(经许可复制的图像):半球;金字塔;纳米线;分级;仿生皮肤微纳结构;上述几何形状的电阻变化与施加压力的模拟结果。结果表明,仿生皮肤微纳结构的器件具有极高的灵敏度。


Fig. 4. Graphene-based ultrahigh sensitivity and large linearity pressure sensor: (a) Schematic of the pressure sensor; (b) The sensitivities and sensing range of the sensor can be regulated by the graphene sensing layers. (c) The real-time artery pulse signal and its frequency spectrum (d) measured by the pressure sensor during cycling. (e) The wireless wearable health monitoring system based on the high-performance pressure sensor, which can be applied during the process of walking and running in daily life. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2019, Elsevier Ltd.

Fig. 4 基于石墨烯的超高灵敏度和宽线性响应区间压力传感器:(a)压力传感器的原理图;(b)传感器的灵敏度和传感范围可由石墨烯传感层调节。(c)压力传感器在循环过程中测量的实时动脉脉搏信号及其频谱。(d)基于高性能压力传感器的无线可穿戴健康监测系统,可用于日常生活中的行走和运动过程中的脉搏检测。


Fig. 5. Textile based pressure sensor: (a) A flexible and highly sensitive pressure sensor based on ultrathin gold nanowires coated tissue paper. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2014, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (b) All-textile-based flexible pressure-sensor. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. (c) A multi-layered structure tactile pressure sensors, which perform high sensitivity and good linearity in the ultrawide sensing range. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH. Liquidrepellent and machine-washable smart e-textiles: (d) Schematic illustration of the structure of the e-textiles. (e) The demonstrating of liquid-repellent property of e-textiles sensors. (f) The sensitivity of e-textiles sensors after each standard machine washing cycle. Reproduced with permission. Copyright, 2019, RCS;

Fig. 5 基于织物材料的压力传感器:(a)一种基于超薄金纳米线涂层纸的高灵敏度柔性压力传感器。(b)全纺织柔性压力传感器。(c)多层结构触觉压力传感器,在超宽度传感范围内具有高灵敏度和良好的线性。防水和机器可洗智能电子纺织品:(d)电子织物压力传感器结构示意图。(e)电子织物压力传感器的拒液特性。(f)电子织物压力传感器在每个标准机器清洗周期后的灵敏度。


Fig. 6. Tangential force sensor with a rationally designed structure with three conductive blocks. The contact resistance between the small blocks and the center large block can measure tangential force value. The force direction can be surmisable as the contact resistance between the center large block surrounding and small blocks decrease in the direction of shear and increases on the opposite side. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

Fig. 6 三导电块结构的切线力传感器。 小块与中心大块之间的接触电阻可以测量切向力的数值。 当中心大块周围与小块之间的接触电阻在剪切方向上减小,在相反的一侧增加时,力方向可以被测定。


Fig. 7. (a) A flexible and extraordinarily small bending-sensitive, resistive type of pressure sensors based on ultra-thin nanofibres networks. Reproduced with permission. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2016, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (b) Simultaneous multiple-stimuli sensing e-skin based on skin-inspired highly stretchable matrix networks. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2018, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Fig 7 (a)一种低弯曲敏感的基于超薄纳米纤维网络的柔性、电阻式压力传感器。(b)具有多功能传感和高度可拉伸性质的电子皮肤。


Fig. 8. High-resolution pressure sensor arrays: (a) Self-powered large-array three-dimensional circuitry integration of vertical-nanowire piezotronic transistors for high-resolution imaging. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2013, AAAS. (b) Unprecedented 6350 dpi resolution imaging of two-dimensional pressure distribution based on piezoelectric nanowire LED array. Reproduced with permission [10]. Copyright 2013, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (c) A skin-like intrinsically stretchable high-density sensor arrays, which can accurate sensing of the position of a synthetic ladybug with six legs. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2018, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Fig 8. 高分辨率压力传感器阵列:(a)用于高分辨率成像的垂直纳米线压电晶体管的自供电大阵列三维电路集成。(b)基于压电纳米线LED阵列的二维压力分布传感器,可以实现前所未有的6350dpi分辨率成像。(c)一种本征可延展的的高密度传感器阵列,可以准确地感知瓢虫玩具的六条腿的位置。



Fig. 9. Scalable pressure sensor glove for human grasp signatures machine learning: (a) Scalable tactile glove platform to learn from the human grasp. (b) The system can identify different objects accurately by learning grasp signatures. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2019, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Fig 9. 大规模压力传感器阵列应用于人类抓取特性的机器学习:(a)应用于抓取学习的大规模触觉传感手套及系统平台。(b)该系统可以通过学习人类的抓取特征实现对抓取物的识别。


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2020年10月1日 13:25